Luigi De Rosa Economic Historian: Luigi De Rosa Economic Historian:

Proceedings of the International Conference (Naples, 27 May 2009)

a cura di Michele Barbato

Prefazione di Paolo Savona

17,10 18,00

This volume contains the Proceedings of the Conference on Luigi De Rosa Economica Historian (Naples, 27 May 2009), organized by the Journal of European Economic History, the review that De Rosa founded in 1972

This volume contains the Proceedings of the Conference on Luigi De Rosa Economica Historian (Naples, 27 May 2009), organized by the Journal of European Economic History, the review that De Rosa founded in 1972 and edited until his death in 2004.
The papers, all by eminent scholars, are grouped into major thematic areas reflecting De Rosa’s main academic interests: the history of banking and of industry and trade; italian emigration and the South of Italy; the history of Italian economic development.
The appendix sets forth a complete bibliogtaphy of De Rosa’s scholary opus, more than 600 publications.


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