Samuele Sangalli

Echoes of the Lebanon crisis

Conflict or coexistence?

With this book, the Sinderesis School of the Gregorian University begins a survey of the situations of conflict on Europe’s confines. Our study of the present crisis in Lebanon holds a particular importance as

With this book, the Sinderesis School of the Gregorian University begins a survey of the situations of conflict on Europe’s confines. Our study of the present crisis in Lebanon holds a particular importance as a potential model to interpret other, similar situations where diverse groups are called to live alongside each other, an intersection between conflict and the possibility of harmonious coexistence in the Middle East. The multidisciplinary approach, carried out according to the ‘Social Discernment’ template offered by the School, invites to look back over the key historical events that have led to such a complex situation in the “Country of Cedars” to better understand of Lebanon’s present-day geopolitical, sociological, institutional and religious dynamics. This text can help even those who are still unfamiliar with Lebanon to learn about and love its history and present, in all the areas mentioned. It invites readers to engage concretely with this “Country-Message and Laboratory”, while also renewing the hope of Lebanon’s own citizens, encouraging them not lose it.

14,25 15,00
9,49 9,99


Sinderesi Lecture
What Coexistance in the Postmodern Era of the Nietzchean Will of Power?

Lecture n. 1
HISTORY. Lebanon: Historical Overview
Lecture n. 2
GEOPOLITICS. An Overview of the Geopolitical Dynamics and Socio-Political Trends in the Middle East and Northern Africa 69
Lecture n. 3
INSTITUTIONS. Consociational Democracy and Crisis in Lebanon: A Recap of Historical and Contemporary Events 95
Lecture n. 4
SOCIOLOGY. The Genealogy of Solidarity in Lebanon 111
Lecture n. 5
CHRISTIANITY. St. Charbel and the Maronites: An Inclusive Model?
Workshop n. 1
INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE. Religious complexity in Lebanon: A Challenge for Interreligious Dialogue (The 17 Christian and Muslim Communities
and their Religious and Political Identities)
Workshop n. 2
INTERRELIGIOUS DIALOGUE. Religious Complexity in Lebanon: A Task for Interreligious Dialogue
